Day 20
We got off to a relatively early start so that we might make it to the Dingle peninsula before nightfall. It was a long drive with many new things to see and do. Stopped in the picturesque town of Dingle, walked around a bit, had tea, and went into the Dingle Record Shop to get a couple cd's. Thought it might be nice to listen to some Irish music while we rolled over the Irish landscape. Dingle is about as cute of a tourist town as one is likely to find anywhere. Pretty much has it all: a harbor, windy, narrow streets, colorful buildings and shops galore. The numerous outdoor cafe's seemed tailor made for those who enjoy people watching while sipping coffee and dashing off postcards.
By the time we left Dingle it was too late to visit the Gallarus Oratory, one of our principle destinations, So we followed the signs to Moriarty's B&B, just outside Ventry and spent a comfortable night watching Spain beat Paraguay in the World Cup match.
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